Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I need a break but not like this!

Ever had one of those days where you did something against your better judgement and end up being a big loser? Yesterday for me was one of those days. I went to work despite harbouring an awesome headache.

Before you jumped to conclusions, this had nothing to do with the fact that it was a Monday, nor was it psychological. The pressure inside my head was really something and if not for the pills I popped, I could barely be standing up by mid-day. Now I'm not about to be endorsing any commercial products here but those pills were a life-saver.

For most of the day, I tried taking it easy with a persistent pain at the back of my head. Fueled entirely by caffeine and paracetamol. Knock off time couldn't have come any earlier as I withstood the torturous journey home on public transport. Again, instead of heading to see a physician, I decided to sleep it off. It didn't help as the headache persisted this morning. I took my first sick leave for the year after soldiering on for many similar occasions earlier on. So here I am, sleeping off the day at home without any signs of improvement as the pain continues to linger in the head but I must get back to work soon....

The writer doubts the situation will improve come morning and wishes to clarify that he is NOT a workaholic. Really.

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