Monday, April 19, 2010

Japan Yokoso 2010! Part 1

Konnichiwa minna! Ogenki desu ka?

Back from a refreshing and memorable (and somewhat exhaustive) trip back to the Land of the Rising Sun, it's time to get back to work and post some updates (groan~).

It's my first venture to the kansai region and only my second trip to Japan and have been looking forward to this so much because of the company I'll be keeping and also the promise of spectacular scenary of the cherry blossoms in full bloom among the backdrop of majestic castles and ancient pagodas.

Because of the relatively high cost of the JR-pass, we opted to save some money by purchasing a 7-day pass instead of the entire 14-day and in doing so, we opted to take the overnight bus to Kansai. So having landed, we headed off to Ueno to soak in the blossoms for fear the rains of previos days have dampened the view but I was not disappointed as rows and rows of thick blooms lined the walkway.

Waiting for the night bus at the bus stop is not exactly a pleasant experience, given that the winds were bone-chilling and temperatures were low. We toughed it out and boarded the bus and slumbered our way down to Kyoto (since we couldn't get a ride to Osaka). It was not a pleasant sleep though but it was adequate for me as we reached Kyoto in the morning and proceeded to catch a train to Osaka after washing up. We reached our hostel somewhat pooped and slept till late afternoon before heading out for Dotombori. It was in here I managed to get a nice maid suit for a really nice price and also introduced (and hooked) to the Calpis soda water....

The next day, we ambled down to the Shitennoji temple and then a brief stop at Osaka castle. It was already late afternoon but we didn't stick around for long before heading off to the Osaka Aquarium and then an evening walk down the Pombashi area. Day 4 saw us on the special express train to Himeji, fingers crossed that the renovation works have not yet begun in earnest. It paid off handsomely with a virtual unobstructed view of the White Heron and it was as magnificent as the pictures. Apart from the 2 hour long queue to get into the dongon, it was every bit enjoyable with a local troupe of Samurai dress-ups "accompanying" us out of the grounds lined with blossoms.

Evening saw us back for another quick stop at Pombashi but there was hardly time to shop around since the shops all close at 8pm. Thus ended our stay in Osaka.

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