Saturday, May 03, 2008

One hurdle cleared for the year

It is a herculean task for every "able-bodied" male in Singapore to have to pass their annual Individual Physical Proficiency Test (IPPT). It ironic that almost every male, once having left the army or past the age of 30, inevitably developes an unhealthy increase in the size of his pants. Thankfully, I'm still not in this bunch but its still very demoralising to have to undertake this strainuous task every year.

Not that I have a difficulty in passing, I'm just trying to get the bare minimum (personal)standard of silver (and that $200 that comes with it). So there I was on the running track, running for my dear life, trying to beat the clock with my huffing and panting. Very soon, the dry throat and aching legs caught up but I did manage to cross before my mental endurance collapsed. So I've crossed this hurdle and am able to settle back into being a couch potato again for another year.

And how did I spend that extra cash? I went and blew it by offsetting the cost of a limited edition PSP Slim. And coincidentally its colours coincide with the colours of my team (Red Devils). Everything's good right now :)

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